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The term 'dashcon' became synonymous with a cringier, more immature time that haunts those who were on the site long enough to see it happen. Activism contained itself only to those passionate for it, fandoms began more self-examination, badly-behaved but popular bloggers were called out, and the site's humor took on a more snarky and memetic tone. Like a deflating balloon, Tumblr's rapid-fire Keet personality depleted. The con was nothing short of a disaster (full details are on our TroubledProduction.Real Life page), and the aftermath caused the site's entire culture to change. Later that same year, a convention known as ' DashCon ' was announced and, by June 2014, had garnered incredible excitement and anticipation. As neither of these ( immediately) came to pass, people forgot their worries. Two, Yahoo had a documented history of acquiring, killing, and then selling sites. One, Yahoo was (at the time, jokingly) threatening to make the site child-proof and thus devoid of all sexual content. This led to a veritable panic from the userbase for two reasons. On May 20, 2013, Tumblr was purchased by Yahoo! for $1.1 billion.

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